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Would you pay hundreds of dollars for an app your doctor prescribed? Buzzy digital therapeutics could make you healthier — but your insurer probably won't cover them.

Senior woman recording her blood sugar level with a smartphone
About 40 digital-therapeutic apps have been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration since 2017.
wagnerokasaki/Getty Images

  • Digital therapeutics can provide clinically proven ways to manage and track health conditions.
  • One app creates a personalized algorithm with health recommendations for patients with diabetes.
  • DTxs could result in a high price tag not covered by insurers. 
  • This article is part of "Big Trends in Healthcare," a series exploring the top trends shaping the future of the industry.

Charlotte Jee had fought insomnia her entire adult life. 

In 2018, chronically exhausted and sick of sleeping pills, Jee, an editor at MIT Technology Review, tested several high-tech solutions that promised to help her rest better. A sleep scientist suggested two apps: Somryst and Sleepio. The latter was free for Jee through the National Health Service in the UK, where she lived. Worried about cost, she opted for the free app. 

"Within just a couple of sessions, I was sleeping better," Jee wrote in MIT Technology Review. "All the trackers are gathering dust in the drawer." 

In the US, Sleepio is available only to employees of a limited number of large companies and research participants. Somryst, the alternative offered to Jee, was offered in the US without insurance but required a prescription and came with a $900 out-of-pocket price tag for a 90-day course. The app was greenlighted by the Food and Drug Administration, which its developer, Pear Therapeutics, hoped would help persuade insurance companies to cover it. 

They didn't. And when the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May, its CEO blamed insurers.

"We've shown that our products can save payers money," Corey McCann wrote in a LinkedIn post. "But that isn't enough. Payers have the ability to deny payment for therapies that are clinically necessary, effective, and cost-saving." 

Not everyone is convinced that prescription apps such as Somryst are necessary or save costs.

"Just because something costs more doesn't mean people will use it more" or that it necessarily works better than a free app, Dr. John Torous, the director of the digital-psychiatry division in the psychiatry department at Harvard Medical School's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, told Insider. 

Apps such as Somryst — known as prescription digital therapeutics — aim to raise the bar for personal healthcare delivered via smartphone. In theory, these technologies can provide clinically proven ways for people to manage and track their health conditions from anywhere. 

That could make them game changers for those who don't live near or can't afford doctors or other health providers. But proving that digital therapeutics work is expensive, resulting in high out-of-pocket prices that skeptical insurers aren't covering and that many patients they're intended to benefit can't afford. 

Digital therapeutics show promise for treating IBS and insomnia  

Funding for digital therapeutics surged by 133% between 2020 and 2021, and the sector's global value is estimated to grow from roughly $7 billion to about $28 billion from now to 2030, Fortune Business Insights reported.

Yet "the FDA doesn't even recognize the term 'digital therapeutic,'" Torous told Insider. 

Because the FDA doesn't have an official definition of digital therapeutics — often referred to in shorthand as DTxs — it's hard to know how many have been authorized. But about 40 apps have been cleared by the agency since 2017. 

They're used to treat or manage a wide variety of health conditions, while supporting a patient's behavioral change. There are FDA-approved DTxs for insomnia, including Somryst; ones for irritable-bowel syndrome, such as Mahana; ones for addiction, including Reset-O; and even one for ADHD, EndeavorRx — a gamified DTx. While there are DTxs that are sold over the counter, each of the apps mentioned requires a prescription, and many of their prices reflect that. 

There are also digital therapeutics aimed at helping people with diabetes. For example, the app AspyreRx quizzes patients on their beliefs about concepts such as hunger, eating plant-based meals, motivation, and activity. Based on their responses and metrics such as a patient's levels of A1C (a primary metric for blood sugar), lipids, cholesterol, and blood pressure, an algorithm comes up with personalized goals and associated skills lessons, as well as diet and exercise recommendations. 

In July, AspyreRx received authorization from the FDA, clearing the way for doctors to begin prescribing it next year. 

Dr. Mark Berman, a primary-care physician and the chief medical officer of AspyreRx's parent company, Better Therapeutics, told Insider that the platform could reach anyone, anywhere, at any time.

"Health coaches, nutritionists, or therapists do a wonderful job, but there simply aren't enough of them to be able to serve all the patients, and furthermore, patients don't have access to them," he said.

Still, financial accessibility among diabetes patients remains an issue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Health Interview Survey found that as of 2019, more than 14% of people with diabetes lived below the federal poverty level. The list price for 90 days of AspyreRx would account for more than 20% of the three-month income of a person living in the lowest income bracket, who makes just $1,215 a month, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.  

Patients could be stuck with big bills for prescription apps 

A clinical trial for a medical device — which is how the FDA classifies prescription digital therapeutics — costs an average of $6 million, one Department of Health and Human Services study found.

In fact, without insurance, AspyreRx costs $750 for each 90-day program, according to Better Therapeutics. While the company told Insider insurers had been receptive so far, the app's developer hadn't signed any deals guaranteeing its product would be covered. 

In fact, many insurance companies want years of data on real-world use before covering digital therapeutics, Insider previously reported. This can be cost-prohibitive for the DTx makers. 

While there are free nonprescription DTxs available from sources such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, those aren't cleared by the FDA, and privately made prescription digital therapeutics often cost hundreds of dollars. 

The EndeavorRx game costs $100 a month out of pocket. When the game was released, its list price was $450 for a 90-day prescription, and depending on the deals the company has made, insurers may pay up to that amount to cover it. Self-paying Mahana users pay $200 for three months, which is a 70% discount from the list price charged to insurance companies that cover it.  

So far, federal insurance plans through Medicaid don't generally cover digital therapeutics (though some states have occasionally elected to cover them through their Medicaid plans), which means private insurance companies including Aetna and Cigna face less pressure to cover the technology. 

A digital therapeutic "has to work for all populations and be affordable for all populations," Torous, whose research largely focuses on the intersection of technology and mental health, told Insider. 

"Digital therapeutics are meant to increase access to care. They're meant to be scalable, but when they are priced such that some people can't afford them, it takes away from the device as a whole," he added. 

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