Your Privacy Choices

Your Privacy Choices

You may exercise your privacy choices for Insider, Inc. as set forth below. If you would like to learn more about your privacy rights, please review our Privacy Policy. Please note that the privacy choices below apply only to Insider, Inc.

Managing Your Cookie Preferences:
To manage your cookie preferences with respect to Insider, Inc., click here.

For Residents of California, Virginia, Colorado, and Connecticut:
If you are a resident of California, Virginia, Colorado, or Connecticut you may be able to exercise one or more of the following rights:

  • Right to Opt Out of Sales, Sharing, and/or Targeted Advertising:
    To opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, including for purposes of targeted advertising, please complete the following steps:
    • Step 1: If you haven’t already, you may opt-out of the sale or sharing of your browser-based personal information in one of two ways:
      1. Click here to visit Insider, Inc.’s Preference Center and toggle “on” the “Do Not Sell/Share/Targeted Advertising” opt-out; or
      2. Enable your Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) signal to include the opt-out of the sale or sharing of your personal information.
    • Step 2: To opt out of the sale or sharing of your remaining personal information (i.e., personal information based on your account or subscription), please submit your full name, email and state of residence here. This information will not be used or disclosed for any purpose other than for processing this request.
    • Please note that your preferences may not be effective when accessing our websites from another device or browser, or if you have recently cleared your cookies. We encourage you to express these preferences again from your other devices or browsers, or after you have cleared your cookies, as needed.
  • Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs):
    In order to submit a request to access, correct, transfer or delete your personal information, please complete this form .

For Residents of the EU and UK:

  • Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs):
    In order to submit a request to access, correct, transfer, or delete your personal information, please complete this form .

Insider Coupons:
Please note that any privacy choices exercised with respect to Insider, Inc. will not apply to Insider Coupons, which is operated by a separate entity - Global Savings Group (“GSG”). If you would like to learn more about your privacy rights with respect to Insider Coupons, please visit GSG’s privacy policy here.